Statement by Ambassador Mitsuru Kitano at the Board of Governors Meeting on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 Item: Final Assessment on Past and Present Outstanding Issues regarding Iran’s Nuclear Programme

Thank you, Mr. Chairman,
Japan takes note of the Director General’s report on the Final Assessment on Past and Present Outstanding Issues regarding Iran’s Nuclear Programme dated 2nd December 2015 (GOV/2015/68). 
Japan also takes note of the draft resolution on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) implementation and verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 submitted by the EU3+3 countries.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan welcomes that all the activities contained in the Road-map were implemented in accordance with the agreed schedule, and appreciates the Secretariat’s strenuous efforts for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear programme.
To our deep regret, however, the Agency’s assessment states that a range of activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device were conducted in Iran prior to the end of 2003 as a coordinated effort, and some activities took place after 2003.  Japan also takes note with concern of the Agency’s assessment on Parchin that the extensive activities undertaken by Iran since February 2012 at the particular location of interest to the Agency seriously undermined the Agency’s ability to conduct effective verification.
On the other hand, Japan takes note of the Director General’s overall assessment that the Agency has no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009.  Japan also takes note of the Agency’s assessment that these activities prior to 2009 did not advance beyond feasibility and scientific studies, and the acquisition of certain relevant technical competences and capabilities.  Japan further takes note that the Agency has found no credible indications of the diversion of nuclear material in connection with the possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.
Mr. Chairman,
In our view, the Final Assessment of the Director General, although some points remain unclear, has provided relevant information that ensures a certain level of understanding on the overall situation of the past and the present.  Japan considers that, on that basis, it is appropriate to advance to the next phase. Now, all the activities in the Roadmap have been implemented for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear programme, and so the Board’s consideration on the implementation of Roadmap is put to an end.  However, this does not preclude the Board from taking appropriate action as necessary if the Board has reasonable grounds to believe that there is an issue of concern in the future.  In this regard, it is indispensable to keep watchful eye, taking due account of the situation of the past which has been clarified in the Final Assessment.  Therefore, Japan welcomes Iran’s commitment to implement the Additional Protocol and the Modified Code 3.1., as well as its other commitments under the JCPOA.  It is extremely important that the IAEA continues to monitor and verify the peaceful uses of Iran’s nuclear energy through the steady implementation of those commitments by Iran.  Japan will continue to support IAEA’s activities which will become even more significant in areas such as verification and monitoring related to the JCPOA.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan supports the draft resolution submitted by the EU3+3 countries which aims at ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme in the future through the full implementation of the JCPOA.  We emphasize that it is indispensable for Iran to cooperate fully with the IAEA in order for the Agency to draw a broader conclusion about Iran’s nuclear activities. Japan looks forward to receiving updated reports of the Secretariat on a regular basis in accordance with the draft resolution.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.