Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Tsutomu OSAWA at the 28th Session of the Programme and Budget Committee of UNIDO
Madame Chairperson,
I would like to begin by congratulating you on your election as Chair of the twenty-eighth session of the Programme and Budget Committee. I am sure that this session will prove to be successful under your able leadership.
Madame Chairperson,
Japan appreciates circulation of the Annual Report for the year 2011. As the report shows, technical cooperation delivery has continued to steadily increase, amounting to $166.7 million in 2011, the highest figure since UNIDO became a specialized agency in 1986. We have taken note of the distribution of submissions by thematic areas, whereby 46% of the projects are allocated to environment and energy, 30% are in the area of poverty reduction through productive activities, 15% go towards trade capacity-building, and 9% are cross-cutting projects. Japan praises UNIDO and its staff for their continuous efforts in delivering not only such high quantity of projects, but also projects of high quality, and hopes that the organization take appropriate measures to ensure a healthy delivery of technical cooperation services in future years.
The Annual Report also mentions the establishment of a new trust fund on youth employment. We would like to express our support for UNIDO’s engagement in this area, especially projects focusing on job training and women’s empowerment. Enhancing the human security of vulnerable groups remains a priority for the organization, and we equally believe that this is closely interlinked with UNIDO’s mandate on sustainable development.
The Japanese Government has supported UNIDO’s activities in this area both in Africa and in Afghanistan with last year’s large contribution amounting to over 10 million USD, and has continued this trend with a further contribution this year. If I may give you a recent example, a UNIDO project worth around 3 million USD has been funded by our Government this past March, with the aim of giving young people in Guinea the opportunity to acquire entrepreneurial and technical skills suitable for productive activities which will allow them to build a new life.
Energy and environment also remain further areas of high priority. We commend Director-General Yumkella’s personal engagement in the Sustainable Energy For All initiative, and his strong support for green industry development. We further value the organization’s engagement in the run up to Rio+20 and during the conference itself. The Government of Japan has contributed to the conference in Rio by hosting an exhibition of environmentally friendly technologies in cooperation with UNIDO. In 2011, Japan and UNIDO co-hosted the “Tokyo Green Industry Conference”, attracting over 300 participants from more than 40 countries, among them representatives from the private sector and senior government officials. Most recently, this past April, Japan hosted the East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership Dialogue with high-level participation from UNIDO.
Continuing with Japanese initiatives, I would like to briefly mention that the 4th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-up Meeting took place this past May in preparation of TICAD V. During this meeting, Japan, represented by H.E. Mr. Koichiro Gemba, Minister for Foreign Affairs, presented an interim progress report on the formulation of an African Green Growth Strategy. Mr. Gemba stressed the importance of achieving more inclusive and sustainable growth and building resilient societies in Africa, with renewed emphasis on boosting economic growth. Japan remains committed to these goals and hopes to enhance cooperation in this respect.
Madame Chairperson,
With regard to the financial situation of UNIDO, the Government of Japan is pleased to note the organization’s sound financial management, as well as the fact that the collection of overdue arrears is on a positive track. We have, however, also noted that a higher number of countries than in other years have not yet paid their assessed contributions. Japan encourages Member States to pay their arrears for the sake of financial stability of the organization, and to ensure the smooth continuation of UNIDO’s activities which is in the interest of all.
Japan considers the Report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 2011 to be very useful and appreciates its circulation. The external auditor has identified several points that are to be followed up on and we encourage UNIDO to proceed accordingly.
With regards to the Programme for Change and Organizational Renewal, Japan has noted its steady implementation and looks forward to being updated on the programme’s results including increased transparency and efficiency gains.
Finally, Madame Chairperson, I would like to mention that Japan remains committed to the work of the informal working group on the future, including programmes and resources, of UNIDO and hopes that the fruitful outcomes of this working group will help guide UNIDO into a bright future.
Thank you.
I would like to begin by congratulating you on your election as Chair of the twenty-eighth session of the Programme and Budget Committee. I am sure that this session will prove to be successful under your able leadership.
Madame Chairperson,
Japan appreciates circulation of the Annual Report for the year 2011. As the report shows, technical cooperation delivery has continued to steadily increase, amounting to $166.7 million in 2011, the highest figure since UNIDO became a specialized agency in 1986. We have taken note of the distribution of submissions by thematic areas, whereby 46% of the projects are allocated to environment and energy, 30% are in the area of poverty reduction through productive activities, 15% go towards trade capacity-building, and 9% are cross-cutting projects. Japan praises UNIDO and its staff for their continuous efforts in delivering not only such high quantity of projects, but also projects of high quality, and hopes that the organization take appropriate measures to ensure a healthy delivery of technical cooperation services in future years.
The Annual Report also mentions the establishment of a new trust fund on youth employment. We would like to express our support for UNIDO’s engagement in this area, especially projects focusing on job training and women’s empowerment. Enhancing the human security of vulnerable groups remains a priority for the organization, and we equally believe that this is closely interlinked with UNIDO’s mandate on sustainable development.
The Japanese Government has supported UNIDO’s activities in this area both in Africa and in Afghanistan with last year’s large contribution amounting to over 10 million USD, and has continued this trend with a further contribution this year. If I may give you a recent example, a UNIDO project worth around 3 million USD has been funded by our Government this past March, with the aim of giving young people in Guinea the opportunity to acquire entrepreneurial and technical skills suitable for productive activities which will allow them to build a new life.
Energy and environment also remain further areas of high priority. We commend Director-General Yumkella’s personal engagement in the Sustainable Energy For All initiative, and his strong support for green industry development. We further value the organization’s engagement in the run up to Rio+20 and during the conference itself. The Government of Japan has contributed to the conference in Rio by hosting an exhibition of environmentally friendly technologies in cooperation with UNIDO. In 2011, Japan and UNIDO co-hosted the “Tokyo Green Industry Conference”, attracting over 300 participants from more than 40 countries, among them representatives from the private sector and senior government officials. Most recently, this past April, Japan hosted the East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership Dialogue with high-level participation from UNIDO.
Continuing with Japanese initiatives, I would like to briefly mention that the 4th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-up Meeting took place this past May in preparation of TICAD V. During this meeting, Japan, represented by H.E. Mr. Koichiro Gemba, Minister for Foreign Affairs, presented an interim progress report on the formulation of an African Green Growth Strategy. Mr. Gemba stressed the importance of achieving more inclusive and sustainable growth and building resilient societies in Africa, with renewed emphasis on boosting economic growth. Japan remains committed to these goals and hopes to enhance cooperation in this respect.
Madame Chairperson,
With regard to the financial situation of UNIDO, the Government of Japan is pleased to note the organization’s sound financial management, as well as the fact that the collection of overdue arrears is on a positive track. We have, however, also noted that a higher number of countries than in other years have not yet paid their assessed contributions. Japan encourages Member States to pay their arrears for the sake of financial stability of the organization, and to ensure the smooth continuation of UNIDO’s activities which is in the interest of all.
Japan considers the Report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 2011 to be very useful and appreciates its circulation. The external auditor has identified several points that are to be followed up on and we encourage UNIDO to proceed accordingly.
With regards to the Programme for Change and Organizational Renewal, Japan has noted its steady implementation and looks forward to being updated on the programme’s results including increased transparency and efficiency gains.
Finally, Madame Chairperson, I would like to mention that Japan remains committed to the work of the informal working group on the future, including programmes and resources, of UNIDO and hopes that the fruitful outcomes of this working group will help guide UNIDO into a bright future.
Thank you.
The Practical Export Control Workshop was hosted by the Wassenaar Arrangement as part of its 20th Anniversary programs and held at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna on 27 and 28 June 2016. More than 100 government representatives from 46 countries participated in the technically focused Practical Workshop.
Workshop speakers included the 2016 WA Plenary Chair Ambassador Anu Laamanen (Finland), 2016 WA General Working Group Chair Ambassador Paul Beijer (Sweden), 2015-2016 WA Experts Group Chair Robertas Rosinas (Lithuania), 2016 WA Licensing and Enforcement Officers Meeting Chair Jon Erik Strömö (Norway), as well as the Head of the WA Secretariat, Ambassador Philip Griffiths. The WA control lists as well as export licensing and enforcement topics were covered during the two days.
The following link from WA’s webpage contains more details:
Workshop speakers included the 2016 WA Plenary Chair Ambassador Anu Laamanen (Finland), 2016 WA General Working Group Chair Ambassador Paul Beijer (Sweden), 2015-2016 WA Experts Group Chair Robertas Rosinas (Lithuania), 2016 WA Licensing and Enforcement Officers Meeting Chair Jon Erik Strömö (Norway), as well as the Head of the WA Secretariat, Ambassador Philip Griffiths. The WA control lists as well as export licensing and enforcement topics were covered during the two days.
The following link from WA’s webpage contains more details: