Statement by Minister MATSUO Hirotaka at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting starting on Monday, 9 March 2020 : Item 5: Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231(2015)
Thank you, Madame Chair,
Japan appreciates the Director General’s report on Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, dated 3rd of March 2020. Together with the report with necessary and sufficient details, we also highly value the technical briefing by the Secretariat on the 5th of March. Those secretariat efforts reinforce the transparency of the implementation of the JCPOA.
Japan continues to firmly support the JCPOA, as it strengthens the international non-proliferation regime and contributes to the peace and stability of the Middle East region. In this regard, we have already shared our views on the withdrawal of the US from the JCPOA at previous meetings.
Madame Chair,
On the 5th of January, Iran announced that it would not be bound by the limit on the enrichment of uranium set forth in the JCPOA.
According to the Director General’s recent reports, the stockpile of the LEU and the stocks of the Heavy Water continue increasing beyond the maximum amount specified in the JCPOA. Uranium enrichment remains above 3.67%. The reports confirm activities beyond the limits in the JCPOA in terms of the centrifuge Research and Development, as well as expansion of uranium enrichment at Fordow to six cascades.
Madame Chair,
We are strongly concerned about Iran’s continued reduction of its commitments under the JCPOA. Japan once again strongly urges Iran to fully comply with the JCPOA, to immediately return to its full commitment under the JCPOA and to refrain from further measures that may undermine the JCPOA. The country should avoid causing any doubt about the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities.
Madame Chair,
Complementary access is a vital tool to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear related activities. It is of great importance that the Agency continues to verify and monitor Iran’s implementation of the Additional Protocol, together with its other nuclear related commitments under the JCPOA. We recognize also that the Secretariat has various safeguards-related information.
It is of utmost importance that the Secretariat continues to carry out appropriate safeguards activities, taking account of all available information. Therefore, Japan strongly supports the Secretariat’s professional and impartial efforts in this regard. Japan wishes that the ongoing interactions between the Agency and Iran on the uranium particle issue will continue to resolve the matter. We call upon Iran to fully and immediately cooperate with the IAEA in accordance with its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol.
Together with the international community, Japan will continue its diplomatic efforts toward easing tensions and stabilizing the situation in the Middle East region.
Madame Chair,
The Agency plays an important role in verifying the full implementation of Iran’s nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA. It is therefore imperative for the IAEA to secure sufficient resources in a seamless manner. In this context, we look forward to seeing the largest possible number of Member States actively providing financial support to the implementation of the agreement.
Madame Chair,
The exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme and non-diversion must be ensured through the full implementation of the JCPOA. In this regard, the early ratification of the Additional Protocol by Iran is essential. Japan hopes that the Board of Governors will continue to address the issue of verification and monitoring in Iran in its future meetings, based on regular reports by the Director General that contain adequate information regarding Iran’s implementation of its commitments.
Thank you, Madame Chair.