Statement by Ambassador HIKIHARA Takeshi at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting starting on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 Item 6: Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards in Ukraine

Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks the Director General and the Secretariat for preparing the report on this agenda item.
Japan remains deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, in particular at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). As the Director General reported, the situation continues to be increasingly dangerous and precarious, with the Seven Pillars outlined by the Director General being compromised at all times.
We are particularly concerned about the repeated disruption of off-site power supply due to shelling, as well as the enormous pressure on the Ukrainian operating staff.
Japan condemns in the strongest terms the reckless and unacceptable action and the continuing aggression in Ukraine by the Russian Federation which poses serious and direct threats to the nuclear safety and security in Ukraine. 

Japan strongly urges the Russian Federation to immediately cease all activities preventing the competent Ukrainian Authorities from fully controlling all nuclear facilities and material within its internationally recognized borders in order to restore safe and secure operations by Ukraine.
Japan reiterates its deep appreciation to Director General Grossi and the Secretariat for the safe and secure operation of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, as well as proper safeguards activities, during this very difficult situation. Japan continues to support the commendable efforts of the DG and his team.
In particular, the role of the IAEA Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhya (ISAMZ) is essential in acquiring the first-hand, objective and impartial knowledge about the situation of the ZNPP. To support the continued presence of the Mission there, in response to the urgent request by the IAEA, Japan recently decided, as DG kindly referred to in his opening remarks, to provide a financial contribution through Japan's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Fund  for the Secretariat to acquire special vehicles for the periodical rotation system of the IAEA staff there. And Japan will continue to support for the Agency’s invaluable work in the future.
Japan continues to support DG Grossi’s efforts to establish a nuclear safety and security protection zone around the ZNPP, in a manner that respects full Ukrainian sovereignty over its internationally recognised territory.
Japan commends the IAEA for its prompt action against the Russian Federation’s false claims that Ukraine would be preparing a radiological “dirty bomb”. As the Director General reported, the IAEA has not found any indications of undeclared nuclear activities or materials related to the development of radiological dispersal devices. We also commend Ukraine for its commitment to transparency.
Japan once again expresses its grave concern that the Russian Federation has not heeded the call of the Board expressed in the past resolutions.
In this regard, Japan supports the draft resolution proposed by Canada and Finland.  Let me convey our sincere appreciation to the two Board members for their dedicated efforts to formulate this well drafted, to the point document at this juncture.  We call on all Board Members to support this resolution.
I thank you, Chair.