Statement by Ambassador KAIFU Atsushi at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting starting on Monday, 9 September 2024 Item 13: Any other business

Thank you, Chair,

Regarding AUKUS, Japan welcomes the updates given by Australia on behalf of the AUKUS partners on the trilateral cooperation on nuclear naval propulsion. Japan also welcomes the engagement between the three States and the IAEA on this matter, including the technical consultations conducted to date.

It is crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. In this context, Japan appreciates the firm commitment of the three States to maintaining the highest possible non-proliferation standards.
The Director General and his team have been duly carrying out their work in accordance with the IAEA’s statutory mandate and the safeguards agreements and Additional Protocols of the parties concerned. We steadily support their dedicated efforts.
On the discharge of ALPS treated water, I did not intend to take up this subject. I feel that I am compelled to do so, but I will not repeat to elaborate all of my government’s position as they are, I believe, very clear for all of you. But allow me to add only one thing. Japan continues to exercise full responsibility, I repeat, full responsibility on our part with regard to the safe discharge of ALPS treated water into the ocean. And also, Japan engages closely and proactively with various stakeholders in Asia Pacific and beyond with unchanged full respect to the authority of the IAEA.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.