Statement by Minister TANINAI Ichitomo at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, starting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024, Item 5(b): Application of safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Thank you, Chair,
Japan expresses its appreciation to Director General Grossi for the updates provided in his opening statement on the application of safeguards in North Korea. Japan commends the Secretariat for its sustained dedication and professionalism in monitoring developments concerning North Korea’s nuclear program, which remain a matter of serious concern.
Japan is seriously concerned about North Korea’s recent nuclear activities, which unequivocally demonstrate its intention to advance and expand the nuclear arsenal. These actions include commissioning a Light Water Reactor, operating the 5MW(e) reactor and the reported centrifuge enrichment facility at Yongbyon, expanding the Kangson complex and preparing the Punggye-Ri facilities to potentially conduct another nuclear test.
Furthermore, North Korea has conducted over 20 launches using ballistic missile technology, including at least one ICBM-class ballistic missile this year. Japan strongly condemns North Korea’s missile activities. We must not allow the sheer volume of North Korea’s launches to normalize its unlawful and destabilizing behavior.
Such North Korean actions constitute clear violations of relevant UN Security Council resolutions, jeopardize international peace and security and undermine the global nonproliferation regime. Japan strongly urges North Korea to fully comply with relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the NPT and the Agency’s comprehensive safeguards, and to take concrete steps towards achieving complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of all of its nuclear weapons, any other weapons of mass destruction, and ballistic missiles of all ranges.
Regrettably, the risk of further provocations by North Korea remains, making a strong and coordinated response from the international community essential.
Japan emphasizes the critical importance of full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions by all Member States. In this regard, Japan expresses its grave concern over the increasing military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. Japan is also deeply concerned about the potential for any transfer of nuclear or ballistic missile-related technology from Russia to North Korea in violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
Japan welcomes the adoption by consensus of the resolution entitled “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea” during the General Conference in September. Japan, a member of the DPRK Core Group in the IAEA arena, will continue to play its necessary role and to collaborate closely with the Agency and the international community to reverse this deteriorating pattern in the pursuit of peace and security.
Thank you, Chair.
Japan expresses its appreciation to Director General Grossi for the updates provided in his opening statement on the application of safeguards in North Korea. Japan commends the Secretariat for its sustained dedication and professionalism in monitoring developments concerning North Korea’s nuclear program, which remain a matter of serious concern.
Japan is seriously concerned about North Korea’s recent nuclear activities, which unequivocally demonstrate its intention to advance and expand the nuclear arsenal. These actions include commissioning a Light Water Reactor, operating the 5MW(e) reactor and the reported centrifuge enrichment facility at Yongbyon, expanding the Kangson complex and preparing the Punggye-Ri facilities to potentially conduct another nuclear test.
Furthermore, North Korea has conducted over 20 launches using ballistic missile technology, including at least one ICBM-class ballistic missile this year. Japan strongly condemns North Korea’s missile activities. We must not allow the sheer volume of North Korea’s launches to normalize its unlawful and destabilizing behavior.
Such North Korean actions constitute clear violations of relevant UN Security Council resolutions, jeopardize international peace and security and undermine the global nonproliferation regime. Japan strongly urges North Korea to fully comply with relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the NPT and the Agency’s comprehensive safeguards, and to take concrete steps towards achieving complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of all of its nuclear weapons, any other weapons of mass destruction, and ballistic missiles of all ranges.
Regrettably, the risk of further provocations by North Korea remains, making a strong and coordinated response from the international community essential.
Japan emphasizes the critical importance of full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions by all Member States. In this regard, Japan expresses its grave concern over the increasing military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. Japan is also deeply concerned about the potential for any transfer of nuclear or ballistic missile-related technology from Russia to North Korea in violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
Japan welcomes the adoption by consensus of the resolution entitled “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea” during the General Conference in September. Japan, a member of the DPRK Core Group in the IAEA arena, will continue to play its necessary role and to collaborate closely with the Agency and the international community to reverse this deteriorating pattern in the pursuit of peace and security.
Thank you, Chair.