Statement by Ambassador KAIFU Atsushi At the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting Starting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 Item 5(d): Naval Nuclear Propulsion: Australia

Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks Director General Grossi for preparing the report on this agenda item. We also appreciate the updates given by Australia on behalf of the AUKUS partners during this session and their efforts to further ensure transparency on Australia's naval nuclear propulsion program.
Japan welcomes the engagement between the Agency and Australia, including through a series of technical consultations on the possible implications of Australia’s naval nuclear propulsion programme on Australia’s safeguards implementation. We are also pleased to hear that Australia provided to the Agency with the required information under its CSA and AP, and that the Agency was able to conduct in-field verification activities and a transparency visit in Australia.

It is crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and in this regard, Japan appreciates the firm commitment of the AUKUS partners to maintaining the highest possible non-proliferation standards.
Japan trusts that the Director General and his team will carry out their work in accordance with the IAEA’s statutory mandate and the safeguards agreements and APs of the parties concerned. We steadily support their dedicated efforts to find ways to facilitate possible verification and monitoring activities in relation to Australia’s naval nuclear propulsion program.

Thank you, Chair.