Statement by Minister TANINAI Ichitomo At the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting Starting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 Item 5(e): Naval Nuclear Propulsion: Brazil
Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks Director General Grossi for preparing the report on this agenda item. We also appreciate the updates given by Brazil during this session on its naval nuclear propulsion program.
Japan supports the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the Additional Protocol as the current verification standard and encourages all States to conclude these agreements.
Japan welcomes that Brazil and the Agency have engaged in technical discussions in relation to an arrangement under Special Procedures pursuant to Article 13 of the Quadripartite Safeguards Agreement (QSA), and that the Agency was able to conduct design information verification at the land-based prototype reactor based on the design information provided by Brazil.
Japan considers it crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and we appreciate that the Agency aims to ensure that it will continue to provide a credible and soundly-based conclusion that the nuclear material subject to the pertinent safeguards arrangement will not be diverted.
We welcome the Director General’s intention to continue to report this matter to the Board as appropriate.
Thank you, Chair.
Japan thanks Director General Grossi for preparing the report on this agenda item. We also appreciate the updates given by Brazil during this session on its naval nuclear propulsion program.
Japan supports the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the Additional Protocol as the current verification standard and encourages all States to conclude these agreements.
Japan welcomes that Brazil and the Agency have engaged in technical discussions in relation to an arrangement under Special Procedures pursuant to Article 13 of the Quadripartite Safeguards Agreement (QSA), and that the Agency was able to conduct design information verification at the land-based prototype reactor based on the design information provided by Brazil.
Japan considers it crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and we appreciate that the Agency aims to ensure that it will continue to provide a credible and soundly-based conclusion that the nuclear material subject to the pertinent safeguards arrangement will not be diverted.
We welcome the Director General’s intention to continue to report this matter to the Board as appropriate.
Thank you, Chair.