Statement by Ambassador KAIFU Atsushi At the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting Starting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 Item 4: Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)

Thank you, Chair,

Japan appreciates the Director General’s report on this agenda item, as well as the technical briefing held by Deputy Director General Aparo.
We commend the professional and impartial work and efforts of the Director General and the Secretariat pertinent to this agenda item, including through his recent visit to Iran. Japan reiterates its support for the non-proliferation objectives of the JCPOA. The exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program needs to be ensured, and the IAEA’s verification and monitoring activities are essential elements to this end.
Japan remains deeply concerned that the Agency’s JCPOA related verification and monitoring has been seriously affected by the cessation of Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA. It is deeply worrying that the Agency has lost continuity of knowledge in relation to the production and inventory of centrifuges, rotors and bellows, among other things.
Japan also expresses its grave concern over the installation and operation of new advanced centrifuges and the steady increase in Iran’s stockpiles of highly enriched uranium.
Japan attentively takes note that during the high level meetings in Tehran the possibility of Iran’s refraining from further expanding its stockpile of uranium enriched up to 60% was discussed, including Agency’s verification measures to confirm this, if implemented, and that Iran began preparatory measures for it. The halt of expanding the stockpile could give positive effects on diplomatic efforts to resolve Iran’s nuclear issue. We encourage the Agency and Iran to continue its consultations to actually implement relevant measures to stop the increase of its stockpile of uranium enriched up to 60% without any conditions.
We also attentively note that Director General welcomed that Iran agreed to respond to the Agency’s concerns regarding the de-designation of Agency inspectors by considering the acceptance of the designation of four additional experienced inspectors. We call upon Iran to take necessary steps in this regard, in order to fully allow the Agency to effectively conduct its verification activities.
We once again urge Iran to fully implement its JCPOA commitments including transparency measures, and to re-apply the Additional Protocol.
Japan asks the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed on any developments, so that this important issue can continue to be addressed properly.
Thank you, Chair.