Statement by Ambassador KAIFU Atsushi At the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting Starting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 Item 5(f): NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks the Director General for the report on this agenda item, as well as the technical briefing by Deputy Director General Aparo and his team.
Japan highly commends the professional and impartial work of the Director General and the Secretariat in the implementation of safeguards. The Agency’s safeguards are a fundamental component for the nuclear non-proliferation regime under the NPT. Each Member State must act in a manner that preserves the integrity of the safeguards system in cooperation with the Agency.

We deeply regret that Iran has not provided any technically credible information to date on the outstanding safeguards issues related to Turquzabad and ‘Varamin’ and that these issues remain unresolved despite the repeated calls of this Board, including its resolution of June this year. We urge Iran to provide the Agency with technically credible explanations for the presence of anthropogenic uranium particles found at these locations.
We also reiterate our calls for Iran to implement modified Code 3.1 and to provide the information required by the Agency with regard to the new nuclear facilities.

Japan attentively notes the report of the Director General states that during the recent high level meetings between the Agency and Iran in Tehran there were substantive discussions on the issues covered by the Joint Statement of March 2023, including on the discrepancy in the nuclear material balance and possible elements to address ‘Varamin’.
We also attentively note the report stating that the Director General welcomed that Iran agreed to respond to the Agency’s concerns regarding the de-designation of Agency inspectors by considering the acceptance of the designation of four additional experienced inspectors.
Japan recognizes that such engagements between the IAEA and Iran, with the new leadership in Tehran, could pave the way for wider agreements among parties. We encourage Iran under its new leadership to take concrete steps on the basis of these substantive discussions to bring concrete outcomes towards the resolution of all outstanding issues in the spirit of mutual cooperation.
Japan asks the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed on this issue.
Thank you, Chair.