Statement by Ambassador KAIFU Atsushi at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting on Friday, 12 December 2024 Item 1: Matters referred to in document GOV/2024/69

Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks the Director General and the Secretariat for providing updates on this agenda item, and we also thank the Chair and his team for arranging today’s meeting.
Japan is greatly concerned about a direct drone attack on the IAEA’s armoured vehicle, occurred just two days ago, putting the lives of IAEA staff and supporting staff at risk. Japan unequivocally condemns such attack which causes serious disruption to the IAEA’s efforts of ensuring the nuclear safety and security of the Nuclear Power Plants in Ukraine, and calls for non-occurrence of such incidents.
Japan remains deeply concerned about the nuclear safety and security situation in Ukraine. We are also concerned about increasing risks to nuclear safety deriving from military activities on Ukrainian territory, especially attacks and consecutive damage to energy infrastructure, including substations, that is important for nuclear safety and security. As DG states in his updates, “Ukraine’s energy infrastructure is extremely fragile and vulnerable, putting nuclear safety and security at great risk”. We join in underlining the importance of adhering to the Seven Pillars and echo the DG’s call for maximum military restraint in areas with major nuclear energy facilities and other sites on which they depend. Especially Japan stresses critical importance of securing off-site power for nuclear safety and security.
Japan echoes previous statements in condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and expresses its grave concern that Russia has not heeded the resolutions of the General Conference and the Board of Governors. Japan supports Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.
Japan highly appreciates the DG and the Agency staff for their dedicated efforts under very difficult circumstances. Japan firmly supports the IAEA’s presence at all of Ukraine’s nuclear sites and its efforts to help decrease the risk of a nuclear accident. The IAEA presence on the ground is essential in acquiring impartial, objective, and first-hand observations. We welcome the ongoing IAEA assistance to help ensure stability of critical energy infrastructure, including substations.
In concluding, Japan stands together with the IAEA and will continue to support its work both politically and materially.
I thank you, Chair.