
Thank you, Mr. Chair, I would like to extend my appreciation to the chair and the Secretariat for putting Item 4 on the agenda. The theme is a topic of profound significance to the organisation.

(Issues to be raised-How can we be strategic)
The challenges we face are immense, complex, and rapidly evolving.
On the other hand, the resources we can allocate are limited, and our capacities are not infinite.

Hence, we must adopt a strategic approach.

Strategy is to be defined as the relationship between the means to achieve objectives, and the objectives to be achieved. And objectives stem from certain values. Thus, it is necessary to share the same goals and the values as a basis for being strategic.

With this regard, Japan and UNODC share the value of the rule of law. This value should be shared by many of the international communities.
We also share the idea that every human being has right to live heathy and happily.

Objectives in our long-standing efforts to combat against narcotic-drug problems, is to ensure the healthiness and well-being of individual human being, and communities where human being do not feel threated by harm caused by drug problems.

In order to actually achieve these goals and objectives, it is crucial to determine how we allocate resources. This is the core part of the theme of this agenda item.

(Way forward-How we achieve goals)
As the challenges we face are immense, complex, and rapidly evolving, our approach should be comprehensive and holistic. With this regard, we need equally to take care of both supply and demand sides. At same time, strategic prioritization must be made according to the trends and nature of the challenges.

Regarding the supply side, the emphasis should be made in addressing synthetic drug issue. It is rapidly growing with its easiness for mass production at relatively low costs. The alternative development is also an option that should be prioritized as it meant to
eradicate the root causes.

When it comes to the demand side, prevention is key, especially for children, because it is highly effective. In this regard, we welcome the launch of UNODC’s new initiatives, namely, the Global Forensic Program, CHAMPS (Children Amplified Prevention Services) and ScaleUp.

Transparency and efficiency in financial matters are crucially important. This helps ensure the accountability of donor governments.
In this context, correcting mistakes, such as delays in returning unused funds, is crucial. Japan appreciates UNODC’s honest efforts in this regard.

Diversity in staff composition enhances breadth and depth of human resource capacities. This includes gender, regional representation, and the empowerment of youth. Further efforts by both Member States and the Secretariat are needed.

I believe that dialogue and partnership enable us to tackle challenges. It's an old truth that remains unchanged. Under this conviction, Japan has signed Joint Plan of Action with UNODC last year.

Mr. Chair,
Our attentions often tend to be attracted to the divisions. However, we must more look into our common goals and shared determinations. CND and UNODC are important vehicles to bring us to joint endeavours.

Thank you for your attention.