IAEA3月理事会(議題5(c): イランの保障措置協定)ステートメント(引原毅大使)(英語ページへのリンク)

Thank you, Mr Chair,

Japan appreciates the Director General’s report on this agenda item.

The Agency’s safeguards are a fundamental component of nuclear non-proliferation regime under the NPT. Japan highly commends the professional and impartial work of the Director-General and the Secretariat in the safeguards implementation, including his recent visit to Teheran. We strongly support the Agency to continue to fully carry out its mandate.

Mr Chair,

Japan is concerned that after more than two years the safeguards issues on undeclared locations remain unresolved.

Japan welcomes the efforts of the Director General to resolve the outstanding issues and the Joint Statement between the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the Agency dated 5th of March and calls on Iran to provide the necessary substantive explanation in full and without further delay on these undeclared locations. Japan urges Iran to cooperate with the Agency fully and immediately, including implementation of the Joint Statement as agreed. We believe that Iran’s substantive engagement would restore the ability of the Agency to provide assurance of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme, that will serve for Iran itself.

Mr Chair,

Regarding the treatment of the Agency inspectors, we take note that there have been no instances of inappropriate action by Iranian side reported in this reporting period. Japan requests the Director General to provide further updates, as appropriate.

The legal obligations under the Subsidiary Arrangements to its Safeguards Agreement cannot be modified unilaterally. Japan calls on Iran to fulfill all of its legal obligations under the Subsidiary Arrangements and fully implement modified Code 3.1.

Japan requests the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed on the issue of this agenda item.

Thank you, Mr Chair.