IAEA3月理事会(議題9: その他)ステートメント(引原毅大使)(英語ページへのリンク)
Thank you, Mr. Chair,
Japan welcomes the updates given by the three countries and the Director General Grossi in this very initial stage of the trilateral cooperation on nuclear naval propulsion. Japan welcomes also that the three States and the IAEA engage in this matter, including the first meeting between those States and the Agency, in line with their respective safeguards agreements.
It is crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. Recalling that the three nations are deeply committed to upholding their leadership on global non-proliferation, Japan believes that they will ensure this AUKUS initiative be done in a manner that sets a strong nonproliferation example. We would welcome further updates on this issue, as appropriate, in the Director General's introductory statements or in the three countries' statements under the AOB.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Japan welcomes the updates given by the three countries and the Director General Grossi in this very initial stage of the trilateral cooperation on nuclear naval propulsion. Japan welcomes also that the three States and the IAEA engage in this matter, including the first meeting between those States and the Agency, in line with their respective safeguards agreements.
It is crucially important to maintain and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. Recalling that the three nations are deeply committed to upholding their leadership on global non-proliferation, Japan believes that they will ensure this AUKUS initiative be done in a manner that sets a strong nonproliferation example. We would welcome further updates on this issue, as appropriate, in the Director General's introductory statements or in the three countries' statements under the AOB.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.