
Thank you, Madame Chair,

Japan highly appreciates the Agency’s activities described in the Director General’s ‘Nuclear and Radiation Safety’ report. The wideranging
activities by the Agency have been enhancing the Member States’ nuclear safety, which is critically important in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Madame Chair,

Japan continues to attach great importance to the Convention on Nuclear Safety, as well as the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. We will participate proactively in discussions at the next review meetings for these conventions.

Japan has been actively participating in IAEA’s safety standard committees and ConvEx exercises. We have been supporting the Regulatory Cooperation Forum and the Asian Nuclear Safety Network. In addition, we have been hosting the International School of Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety, as well as the International Training Course for the International Safety Standards. We remain committed to contribute to the enhancement of global nuclear safety, while further improving our own nuclear regulatory framework. In this context, Japan will actively contribute to the discussion in the International Conference on a Decade of Progress after Fukushima Daiichi to be held in November this year.

Madame Chair,

Regarding TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Japan has been providing updated comprehensive information to the international community in a transparent manner, including through the Secretariat, which posts such information together with its comments on the IAEA website.

In July this year, Japan and the IAEA signed a Terms of Reference (TOR) on Reviews of Safety Aspects of Handling ALPS-treated Water.
Based on this TOR, the IAEA team headed by DDG Evrard visited Japan last week to discuss cooperation and both sides agreed to move forward with preparation for the safety and regulatory reviews of the ALPS treated water, and Marine Monitoring by the end of this year.

Japan will continue to fully assume the accountability to the international community with regard to the situation of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the status of its efforts regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water, providing all relevant information in a transparent manner, based on scientific evidence.

With these comments, Japan takes note of the report contained in GOV/2021/32.

Thank you, Madame Chair.