IAEA3月理事会(議題2: 原子力・放射線の安全)ステートメント(引原毅大使)(英語ページへのリンク)


Thank you, Mr. Chair,
Japan highly appreciates the Agency’s activities described in the Director General’s report entitled ‘Nuclear Safety Review 2022’. Japan thanks Director General Grossi, Deputy Director General Evrard and her team for their truly tireless work. The Agency’s wide-ranging activities have been contributing to the enhancement of nuclear safety for Member States, which is critically important in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Mr. Chair,
Despite the call of the Board for the Russian Federation to immediately cease all actions against, and at, any nuclear facilities in Ukraine, the site of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant was shelled immediately after our call. And the Ukraine’s nuclear regulator announced that, on 6 March 2022, the research nuclear installation, located on the site of the National Research Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, was under fire. Japan strongly condemns in the strongest terms this dangerous act by the Russian Federation and strongly urges the Russian Federation to immediately stop its attacks especially in the direct vicinity of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities.
Any armed attack on and threat against nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful purposes constitutes a violation of the principles of international law including the statue of the IAEA. Japan supports the initiative of Director General Grossi to ensure the safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. We once again commend Ukraine’s nuclear regulator and operators for their vigilance and courage in ensuring nuclear safety and security in this difficult situation.
(Japan’s contribution in International Efforts)
Mr. Chair,
Japan continues to attach great importance to the Convention on Nuclear Safety, as well as the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. We will participate proactively in discussions at the Seventh Review Meeting of the Joint Convention to be held in June this year.
Japan has been actively participating in the work on the establishment and the revision of IAEA safety standards, as well as activities related to ensuring the safety of operating nuclear power plants. Additionally, we have been supporting the Regulatory Cooperation Forum and the Asian Nuclear Safety Network to develop and strengthen a nuclear regulatory framework for embarking countries.
Japan remains committed to contributing to the enhancement of global nuclear safety, while further improving our own nuclear regulatory framework. In this context, we highly appreciate that the International Conference on a Decade of Progress after Fukushima Daiichi in November last year achieved its objectives. We will contribute to the Agency’s activities based on the outcomes of this conference.
(Efforts related to TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)
Mr. Chair,
Regarding TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Japan has been providing updated comprehensive information to the international community in a transparent manner. We thank the Secretariat for posting various information on its website, including information provided by Japan together with the IAEA comments.
Based on the Terms of Reference signed by Japan and the IAEA in July last year, Japan and the IAEA have been discussing intensively the safety aspects of the ALPS treated water, not the contaminated water.
Just a few weeks ago, the IAEA review mission including internationally recognized experts visited Japan to conduct a Safety
Review on ALPS treated water. Based on the IAEA's safety standards, the mission reviewed technical aspects related to the radiological characterization of the treated water to be discharged, the safety-related aspects of the water discharge process, and Japan’s assessment of the radiological impact related to the protection of people and the environment. The IAEA will release a report of the review mission in due course.
Reflecting comments by the IAEA and other relevant parties, TEPCO will revise the Report of the Radiological Impact Assessment on humans and environment of the Discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea and further enhance its contents.
Japan continues to assume full accountability to the international community. We will make public all relevant information, based on
scientific evidence, with regard to the situation of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the status of its efforts regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water for the sake of objectivity and transparency of our endeavor.
With these comments, Japan takes note of the report contained in GOV/2022/3.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.