IAEA3月理事会(議題4: イランにおける検証・監視)ステートメント(引原毅大使)(英語ページへのリンク)
Thank you, Mr Chair,
Japan appreciates the Director General’s reports on this Agenda Item, as well as the technical briefing by the Secretariat.
Japan firmly supports the JCPOA, which strengthens the international non-proliferation regime and contributes to the peace and stability of the Middle East. Japan will contribute proactively to this end. Japan supports the constructive dialogue on the JCPOA among relevant countries in the previous rounds, and, at this critical juncture of the negotiations, encourages all relevant countries to redouble their efforts with our hope for the immediate return to compliance with the JCPOA by all relevant countries.
Mr Chair,
Japan reiterates its strong concern over Iran’s continued actions inconsistent with its commitments including increased stockpile of UF6 enriched up to 60% and 20% and recent developments in FPFP, related to Iran’s intention to start producing mini-plates using HEU up to 60%, as well as the development and deployment of advanced centrifuges. Japan expresses once again its serious concern over the fact that, from 23 February last year, the Agency’s verification and monitoring activities have been seriously affected as a result of Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, including the AP. The exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme must be ensured through the full implementation of the JCPOA and the whole set of transparency measures is at its heart. Iran should avoid causing any doubt about the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities.
Mr Chair,
Against the backdrop of the progress in the Vienna talks, Japan once again urges Iran to refrain from taking further measures that undermine the JCPOA and to immediately return to its full commitment, including the provisional application of the Additional Protocol and other transparency measures. Japan urges Iran to fully cooperate with the Agency.
Mr Chair,
Japan commends and fully supports the professional and impartial efforts of the Director General and the Secretariat, including use of all available information and provision of reports with appropriate and sufficient details. Japan requests the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed with the development, so that the Board will continue to address this important issue.
Thank you, Mr Chair.
Japan appreciates the Director General’s reports on this Agenda Item, as well as the technical briefing by the Secretariat.
Japan firmly supports the JCPOA, which strengthens the international non-proliferation regime and contributes to the peace and stability of the Middle East. Japan will contribute proactively to this end. Japan supports the constructive dialogue on the JCPOA among relevant countries in the previous rounds, and, at this critical juncture of the negotiations, encourages all relevant countries to redouble their efforts with our hope for the immediate return to compliance with the JCPOA by all relevant countries.
Mr Chair,
Japan reiterates its strong concern over Iran’s continued actions inconsistent with its commitments including increased stockpile of UF6 enriched up to 60% and 20% and recent developments in FPFP, related to Iran’s intention to start producing mini-plates using HEU up to 60%, as well as the development and deployment of advanced centrifuges. Japan expresses once again its serious concern over the fact that, from 23 February last year, the Agency’s verification and monitoring activities have been seriously affected as a result of Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, including the AP. The exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme must be ensured through the full implementation of the JCPOA and the whole set of transparency measures is at its heart. Iran should avoid causing any doubt about the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities.
Mr Chair,
Against the backdrop of the progress in the Vienna talks, Japan once again urges Iran to refrain from taking further measures that undermine the JCPOA and to immediately return to its full commitment, including the provisional application of the Additional Protocol and other transparency measures. Japan urges Iran to fully cooperate with the Agency.
Mr Chair,
Japan commends and fully supports the professional and impartial efforts of the Director General and the Secretariat, including use of all available information and provision of reports with appropriate and sufficient details. Japan requests the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed with the development, so that the Board will continue to address this important issue.
Thank you, Mr Chair.