IAEA11月理事会(議題5(c) 北朝鮮の核問題 )ステートメント(今西靖治公使)(英語)

Thank you, Chair,
It is deeply regrettable that the Director General's report in August had to underscore once again that North Korea’s nuclear activities continue to be a cause for serious concern, and that the continuation of North Korea’s nuclear programme is a clear violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The report also states that the ongoing maintenance of the nuclear test site in North Korea continues to be deeply troubling, as is the expansion of the reported centrifuge enrichment facility and the continued operation of the 5MW(e) reactor and other facilities.
In September, the IAEA General Conference adopted, by consensus, the resolution entitled “Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”, demonstrating unified determination among IAEA Member States toward the denuclearization of North Korea.
Japan is seriously concerned about North Korea’s intensified nuclear and missile activities including its ballistic missile launches with an unprecedented frequency and with new modalities and patterns. This year, North Korea has already conducted over 20 launches using ballistic missile technology, including four ICBM-class ballistic missiles. The day before yesterday, North Korea conducted another launch using ballistic missile technology for the purpose of satellite launch, which flew over Japan and set off alarms in some areas. This is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and we strongly urge North Korea not to conduct further such launches. Yet, unfortunately, there is a possibility of further provocations in the future, including another nuclear test. Concerted efforts by the international community are critical.
Japan strongly urges North Korea to fully comply with all of its obligations under the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and to take concrete steps towards achieving complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of all of its nuclear weapons, any other weapons of mass destruction, and ballistic missiles of all ranges in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Japan also urges North Korea to return to full compliance with the NPT and to cooperate promptly with the Agency in the full and effective implementation of Agency comprehensive safeguards, including all necessary safeguards activities provided for in the safeguards agreement. Japan reiterates that North Korea cannot and will never have the status of a nuclear-weapons State in accordance with the NPT, as stated in UN Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009), and in the Final Document of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT.
Japan emphasizes the critical importance of full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and calls upon all states to continue working together to this end.
Japan commends the impartial efforts of Director General Grossi and the Secretariat to apply comprehensive safeguards in North Korea, as well as the Agency’s continued work to enhance its ability and readiness to verify North Korea’s nuclear programme. It is crucial that the Agency’s expertise, knowledge and experience are maintained, and that the Agency plays an essential role in verifying North Korea’s nuclear programme, when concrete progress towards the complete denuclearization of North Korea is made. 
Japan will continue to work closely with the international community to resolve these concerns regarding North Korea.

Thank you, Chair.