IAEA11月理事会(議題8 その他)ステートメント(海部篤大使)(英語)

Thank you, Chair,
Japan would like to have a brief statement on three points.
Firstly, regarding the budget, Japan fully shares the concerns expressed by DG Grossi on Wednesday in relation to the delay in receipt of Regular Budget assessed contributions from Member States. Japan strongly believes that all Member States should pay their full obligatory contributions in a timely manner.
Secondly, with regard to the issue of what is called sovereign equality, Japan fully recognises the legitimate concerns expressed by Member States which are not listed in any regional areas stipulated in Article 6 of the IAEA Statute. Japan strongly believes that all Member States should have an equal opportunity to take part in decision-making processes of the Agency in accordance with the Statute.
In this regard, Japan encourages all IAEA Member States that have not yet done so, to ratify the 1999 Amendment to Article 6 of the Statute for its early entry into force.
Japan appreciates the initiative taken by Kazakhstan to lead the discussion on this matter, and remains committed to participating actively and constructively in this discussion to find an appropriate solution, and encourages other Member States to do so. Japan also appreciates the Slovenia’s leadership and constructive discussion at the informal Group of Friends of Arealess States.
Thirdly, as to ALPS treated water, I would like to update with my sincere appreciation and commendation to the impartial work of the Agency and its Secretariat on the latest development in the matter of ALPS treated water. 
Before doing so, let me state that the term “contaminated water” is not appropriate, because it is the ALPS treated water that Japan discharges, not the contaminated water.
Since the commencement in August, the discharge of the ALPS treated water has been carried out safely as planned, in full compliance with international standards. Multi-layered monitoring activities with the involvement of the IAEA found no anomalies. The level of radioactive nuclides, including tritium, in the discharged water have been far below the regulatory standards.
From October 16th to 23rd, IAEA experts, as part of its 2023 marine environmental monitoring activities, conducted its Inter-Laboratory Comparison sampling activities together with experts of analytical institutions from the third countries, as described in the Secretariat’s press release dated 10 October and 27 October.
Also from October 24th to 27th, the IAEA International Task Force, comprised of IAEA and international experts from various countries, visited Fukushima to continue its review mission. This mission confirmed that the discharge has been carried out safely as planned.
By the way, I have heard an expression of a “long term international monitoring system or arrangement”. We all know the Agency remains committed to continue to review and monitor until the last drop of the water will be released, if I take the expression of DG Grossi. We all know the Agency continues to exercise its statutory mandate to provide for application of the international standards in the field of nuclear energy. The tireless and impartial efforts of the Secretariat are ample expression of the authority and independence of the IAEA. What matters is to preserve the authority, independence and the legitimacy of the Agency.
The results of ongoing reviews and multi-layered monitoring with international participations will be further provided to the international community in a timely and transparent manner. Japan will continue with its efforts to gain further understandings of international community.  Japan continues to engage with various stakeholders, not just inside of Japan, but also in our region of Asia Pacific and beyond.