IAEA9月理事会(議題8(b) シリアにおける保障措置協定の実施)ステートメント(谷内一智公使)(英語)
Thank you, Chair,
Japan thanks the Director General for his report as contained in GOV/2024/43 and his efforts to address the issue of the implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic.
More than thirteen years have passed since the Board of Governors adopted a resolution in June 2011 finding Syria to be in non-compliance with its Safeguards Agreement.
Japan commends the Director General’s efforts to re-engage with Syria. We take note that Syria allowed the Agency to visit two of the three locations allegedly related to the Dair Alzour site, permitted the Agency to take environmental samples there, and indicated that it will allow the Agency to visit the third location before the November Board meeting. At the same time, Japan emphasizes that these concrete steps need to lead to substantial progress towards resolving all outstanding issues. In this regard, Japan reiterates its call to Syria to cooperate fully with the Agency.
Japan also calls upon Syria to conclude an Additional Protocol.
Japan requests the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed on this issue, including the results of the analysis of the environmental samples, and retain this item on the agenda of its meetings.
Thank you, Chair.
Japan thanks the Director General for his report as contained in GOV/2024/43 and his efforts to address the issue of the implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic.
More than thirteen years have passed since the Board of Governors adopted a resolution in June 2011 finding Syria to be in non-compliance with its Safeguards Agreement.
Japan commends the Director General’s efforts to re-engage with Syria. We take note that Syria allowed the Agency to visit two of the three locations allegedly related to the Dair Alzour site, permitted the Agency to take environmental samples there, and indicated that it will allow the Agency to visit the third location before the November Board meeting. At the same time, Japan emphasizes that these concrete steps need to lead to substantial progress towards resolving all outstanding issues. In this regard, Japan reiterates its call to Syria to cooperate fully with the Agency.
Japan also calls upon Syria to conclude an Additional Protocol.
Japan requests the Director General to keep the Board of Governors informed on this issue, including the results of the analysis of the environmental samples, and retain this item on the agenda of its meetings.
Thank you, Chair.